Slack Canvas – Tip of the Week #556

Phil's Salesforce Tip of the Week

Welcome to Phil’s Salesforce Tip of the Week #556


Tip 1 – Slack Canvas

Say ‘Hello’ to Slack canvas, it went live last month.

It’s a “new surface where teams can create, organise and share essential information – all inside Slack, your productivity platform

Could be game changer and hopefully make working together even better.







Tip 2 – World Tour Amsterdam

After another amazing World Tour in Paris earlier this week, it’s time to move onto Amsterdam next Tuesday (23rd).

Big names and big ideas are heading to Zaandam. With 40-plus sessions from trailblazing industry leaders…







Tip 3 – India Dreamin’

India Dreamin’ is back tomorrow (20th). It’s already sold out and will be held in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

As previous events, it’s going to be BIG! With over 1,000 attendees, 60+ speakers, and 45+ sessions to attend.

I still have many happy memories from their first event many years ago. Can you spot me in the photo?






Tip 4 – Throwback #500 (pt5)

“The best thing I’ve learned in this community is to always be grateful. There was a time when I knew nothing about Salesforce.

And I was lucky to be surrounded by people who helped me in my learning. They were there when I needed them to answer my questions, whether technical or more generally about my career development. When I became more experienced, I also wanted to help beginners.

There is an Arabic proverb that says: “teach and you will learn”. I think when you’re able to teach others, that’s when you can consider yourself an expert.

Doria Hamelryk, North Africa Dreamin’ Founder, Salesforce MVP

And CONGRATS to her for getting a Golden Hoodie this week at in Paris at the World Tour!


Final Tip Of The Week – Sign Up

Remember if you have enjoyed this Tip of the Week then sign up for the weekly Friday email, direct to your inbox here. And feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas for future Salesforce tips!

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