Salesforce Health Cloud

Salesforce Health Cloud is the world’s leading CRM platform reimagined for the healthcare and life sciences industry. Whether you’re engaging with patients as a healthcare provider, engaging on patient support programmes as a pharmaceutical or life sciences organisation, or running clinical trials as a clinical research organisation, Salesforce Health Cloud is designed to help you improve the way you interact with patients and improve their overall outcomes.

Healthcare Providers

Healthcare ProvidersFor healthcare providers Salesforce Health Cloud provides an effective way of enabling you to deliver first class experiences to your patients at scale. As an example, our experienced team of Salesforce Consultants helped a high-end hair replacement clinic ensure that they were providing a 5-star service from registering interest through to post-treatment engagement.

You can take your customers from interest all the way on the journey through to consultation, treatment, and recovery from a single platform, with a single set of data. You can also extend your offerings with a community and webstore that are mobile friendly to ensure that your patients can get the information and assistance they need wherever they are.



Pharma and Life Sciences

Pharma and Life SciencesSalesforce Health Cloud allows Pharma and Life Sciences companies to engage and support patients across their treatment in patient support programmes.

Patient support coordinators can have a single view of all of a patient’s data and engage with them in a cross-channel manner to help them succeed in both programme onboarding as well as ongoing treatment and support.





Clinical Trials and Clinical Research Organisations

Clinical Trials and Clinical Research OrganisationsFor organisations managing clinical trials, Salesforce Health Cloud enables you to recruit, onboard, manage, and support trial participants from a single system that can integrate using the HL7/FHIR data standard with a clinical system as needed.

With more clinical trials moving to remote and geographically spread participation, you can ensure that you are engaging with and supporting patients throughout the entire trial process.  

You can also enable trial participants to self-report on outcomes and progress increasing participation and decreasing trial costs.



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