Salesforce Managed Services

Salesforce Managed Services

The tech industry is continually evolving, and with Salesforce it’s even more prevalent. Being at the forefront of technology is a strong focus at Salesforce. There are several new releases a year, with documentation covering hundreds of pages. At Cloud Galacticos we pride ourselves on keeping on top of the latest updates. We also encourage our team to keep on learning, and take exams to stay top of the game. That’s why we encourage all our customers to look into our Managed Services offering.


Cloud Galacticos Managed Services Team

Managed ServicesWe have a dedicated Managed Services team to help your business with all your Salesforce needs. The team includes experienced business analysts, technical architects, developers and Salesforce Consultants.

For many organisations it is too costly to recruit a full time Salesforce team member who has the knowledge to be able to support them effectively. A managed services partnership with Cloud Galacticos takes care of this. It allows you to have access to our team of skilled and knowledgeable professionals who can support you as needed and guide you to improving your Salesforce instance over the long term.



Stay up to date with Salesforce

Managed Services Stay UpdatedSalesforce has three releases a year during which an entirely new set of free features get rolled out to your environment.

It’s always a surprise to us when we meet customers who weren’t aware of this. Many had gone years without reviewing the features they had available to them, again effectively leaving money on the table.

As a managed services partner, Cloud Galacticos will work with you consistently to discuss the updates Salesforce are releasing. We will also suggest how to best utilise them to make sure you are taking advantage of the updates.

We believe in maximum automation, minimum manual effort.


Long Term Salesforce Strategy

Long Term VisionAnother big reason we love engaging with clients on a managed services basis is that it truly moves us to being long term collaborative partners.

If organisations engage with a partner on a per project basis, short term aims can overtake long term vision and strategy. A managed services partnership can help to ensure that going forward the long term vision is maintained and improved upon.

Also, being a Cloud Galacticos managed services partner can help with scalability; you can add resources as you add to your Salesforce stack.




Managed Services Summit

Some of the Cloud Galacticos team will be in Manchester on Wednesday 16th November for the Managed Services Summit. The event, which takes place at Manchester Central, is seen as the leading managed services event for the UK and European channel. 

I’m excited to have joined Cloud Galacticos as the Managed Services Lead. The managed services team are not just Salesforce certified, but they also have years of practical experience in business, solving complex problems with technology. 

And I’m very much looking forward to attending the Managed Services Summit in Manchester. There are interesting industry sessions and keynotes, plus it’d be a great opportunity to network with my peers.David Shrimpton, Managed Services Lead

If you’re planning on attending, let us know, and we’ll arrange a meeting.


About Cloud Galacticos

Cloud Galacticos Team PhotoCloud Galacticos is a Salesforce consultancy with a growing all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our company has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

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