Salesforce Live London Highlights

Last week some of the team at Cloud Galacticos attended the Salesforce Live event in London. The conference, held at ExCel, was well attended and had a full day of keynotes, sessions, expo and networking opportunities. Here are some highlights from the team.


Opening Keynote

The day started with an opening keynote from Salesforce CEO Zahra Bahrololoumi. She was joined by a very special guest Zarah Al-Kudcy, Head of Commercial Partnerships at Formula 1. 

“The keynote was really interesting and there were some good points raised. But my highlight was when the NYJO (The National Youth Jazz Orchestra) appeared on stage and starting playing. What a brilliant way to kick-start a Salesforce conference!” Adam Barnes, Salesforce Consultant





Salesforce Live Sessions

Throughout the day there were plenty of sessions to attend and learn more about Salesforce.

I really enjoyed the ‘Learn how your Digital Headquarters can drive 49% more productivity’ session. The speakers were Jonathan Clarke from, and Alex Mele from Slack. They highlighted how Salesforce, especially Slack helps them stay connected and productive.” Ben Duong, Marketing Manager







The people is always what makes Salesforce and the events what they are. At Cloud Galacticos we like to stay connected with our Salesforce Ohana, and Salesforce Live did not disappoint.

Salesforce Live for me, was an opportunity to meet Partners and prospective clients in an environment less conducive to a video call but in person.

My biggest takeaway was the ability to sit and discuss important matters relating to business opportunities with individuals. It’s always great to get the chance to see or talk to people you don’t normally get the chance to at other events.” Paul O’Dowd, Sales Director




Reconnecting with the Salesforce Ohana

This year has been full of opportunities to get back out there and meet our Salesforce Ohana in-person and face-to-face. 

Cloud Galacticos as a Platinum Sponsor at London’s Calling in June, and we also attended the World Tour in London the same month. While in September is was amazing to be back in San Francisco for Dreamforce. And being at Salesforce Live is a great way to round up 2022.

I did managed to catch up some people I haven’t seen for a while, though there’s never enough time to do everything you want at these events. So here’s to more Salesforce events in 2023!” Phil Walton, CEO




Trailhead Military

I recently joined Cloud Galacticos as Head of Training so it was great be able to attend Salesforce Live in London to spread that news.

And it’s always great to be able to catch up with my old military friend, Jonathan Fox. We had a good conversation around Trailhead Military here in the UK. Hopefully we’ll get to arrange an in-person meet up in 2023 for fellow veterans, their spouses and Trailhead Military Allies.

Had yesterday not happened, those conversations wouldn’t have happened as quickly. So here’s to more in-person Salesforce meet ups!Mark Lewis, Head of Training




Nile Rodgers

What a better way to round of a great day of Salesforce goodness than with a musical legend that is Nile Rodger?

It was great to hear about amazing musical journey and some of the talent people he’s met and worked with on the way. He spoke about how he came to work with David Bowie. And he shared his lessons on working hard and dealing with adversity.

He also mentioned ‘We Are Family Foundation’ which he founded. Its aim is to inspire the next generation about ‘respect, understanding and cultural diversity – while amplifying youth efforts to solve some of our biggest global problems’.




About Cloud Galacticos

Cloud Galacticos Team PhotoCloud Galacticos is a Salesforce consultancy with a growing all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our company has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

Best Nationwide Salesforce Services Consultancy 2022

Digital City Awards, Best Small Digital Company Finalist 2022

London’s Calling Platinum Sponsor 2022


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