
We believe that it is important for all our customers to be shown how to deliver solutions in the right way – and a large part of that is using modern development practices such as DevOps and CI/CD.

To help our customers and clients succeed with Salesforce, we partner with Gearset to help them to scale and grow their delivery capacity in a modern way. We use Gearset on all our projects with clients, and can then offer training, support and onboarding assistance to help them use Gearset in the long term to succeed on their own.

Who are Gearset?

Gearset is seen as the one-stop shop for Salesforce DevOps. They are known for making DevOps on Salesforce as simple as everything else on Salesforce. So it’s no surprise that they are considered the leading DevOps tool for Salesforce.

Launched only 5 years ago in Cambridge, UK, Gearset now has over 130 employees They have a solid customer base including the likes of Disney, Accenture, and Tripadvisor.

Gearset and Cloud Galacticos Partnership

We’ve been partnering with Gearset since their inception – their very first demonstration to a public Salesforce group was the Leeds Developer Group run by our COO Paul Battisson. We have worked with them to help organisations succeed with Salesforce and would love to help you understand how you can make DevOps accelerate your Salesforce delivery with Gearset. Use the contact form to find out more.

Want to learn more? Just fill out the form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. 

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