Managed Services Summit Review

Some of our team attended the Managed Services Summit North in Manchester. The conference is focused on Managed Service Providers. The event’s aim is to address how northern MSPs can ‘keep ahead of the curve’ and further develop their service offerings. It  was a chance for our new Managed Services Lead, David Schrimpton to get the latest industry updates and network with MSPs.


Managed Services Summit Keynote

The opening keynote was from Katie Gallagher from Manchester Digital on ‘The Essence of Leadership’. She gave a great presentation on the overview of the UK economy and latest leadership stats.

She mentioned that ‘permacrisis’ is Collin’s Word of 2022 which reflects the ‘extended period of instability and insecurity’ we are experiencing this year (so far). We should use this opportunity to focus on digital transformation that’s happening across all industries.





Guest Keynote

The after lunch guest keynote speaker was from former Olympian Darren Campbell. It was an inspirational speech about his journey both on and off the track. He spoke about his humble beginnings in Manchester and how he got to where he is today.

He also spoke about lessons learnt and provided insights from the world of professional sports that can help business leaders to propel their own organisations forward.

The closing coming was letting us know that leaders aren’t born and that ‘anyone can become a leader’.




Managed Services Summit Sessions

Throughout the day there was a selection of interesting sessions covering various topics. There was a strong focus on cyber security; ‘How to Stop Hacks in the Tracks with Improved IT Visibility’, ‘Evolving your Security Offering with Cybersecurity as a Service’, ‘Fighting Ransomware with Allow Listing and Ringfencing’. Other topics covered included automation, shareholder value, and supporting customers.

There was also an expo room full of sponsors offering different areas of managed services.





Final Thoughts

Here are couple of takeaways from David:

I think the small pool of talent continues to challenge the tech industry in the UK. Katie Gallagher in the opening keynote challenged attendees to help provide opportunities to the unskilled and underprivileged. There’s a lot of think about as we move into 2023.” 


Katie also mentioned that as the UK, and indeed the world, lurches from one crisis to the next, it’s creating a state of permacrisis. Should it worry us? Yes, it should. But it should also provide exciting opportunities for MSPs, as organisations turn to technologies like salesforce to save time and money and create efficiencies.


Managed Services at Cloud Galacticos 

We have a dedicated Managed Services team, led by David, to help your business with all your Salesforce needs. The team includes experienced business analysts, technical architects, developers and Salesforce Consultants.

Why not get in touch with us for your Salesforce managed services needs?


About Cloud Galacticos

Cloud Galacticos Team PhotoCloud Galacticos is a Salesforce consultancy with a growing all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our company has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

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