Developer Survey – Tip of the Week #542

Phil's Salesforce Tip of the Week

Welcome to Phil’s Salesforce Tip of the Week #542


Tip 1 – Developer Survey

The annual developer survey helps ensure that the dev community is activity shaping the ongoing updates of Salesforce products and learning resources.

Your input will help Salesforce learn how they can improve your experience building and developing the platform.

Why not fill in the survey today?






Tip 2 – India Dreamin’ 2023 

Yes – the rumours are true. India Dreamin’ is coming back in 2023!

Announcing on Twitter earlier this week, the popular Salesforce community event will be happening in Ahmedabad in the state of Gujarat.

Watch this space for more details on date, speakers etc.






Tip 3 – Top 7 Digital Transformation Trends 

The state of the economy in 2023 is very much at the forefront of many businesses focus. MuleSoft has identified 7 digital transformation aspects which according to them, will be crucial to overcoming operational pressures and driving efficient and sustainable growth.

Have a read and let us know what you think.







Tip 4 – Salesforce Health Check 

At Cloud Galacticos we run a lot of health checks for both new and existing clients to help ensure that orgs stay in tip top shape.

A thorough health check is your business’s best friend, helping to identify key focus areas that can keep your org humming along.

Would you be interested in a free health check for your Salesforce org from our team of experts? Get in touch.







Final Tip Of The Week – Sign Up

Remember if you have enjoyed this Tip of the Week then sign up for the weekly Friday email, direct to your inbox here. And feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas for future Salesforce tips!

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