CloudGalacticos Joins NV Digital

Cloud Galacticos Joins NVDigital Group

01 Feb 2024
3 mins read

The Week in News

Cloud Galacticos Joins NVDigital Group

Cloud Galacticos Joins NVDigital Group

I am excited to announce that Cloud Galacticos is now part of the NVDigital Group a global group of companies spanning IT Services, Nutrition, Defence, Manufacturing, Electronics, and many more great brands.

Cloud Galacticos has been a leading Salesforce Partner in the UK/Ireland for 17 years. Renowned for its high level of expertise in Salesforce, working across all Clouds, and across many verticals. Joining the NVDigital Group family will allow Cloud Galacticos to expand their offerings into existing and new markets.

“I am very proud that Cloud Galacticos has joined NVDigital, and am looking forward to working together to achieve even greater success. It is a new and exciting chapter for everyone!”

Phil Walton, CEO and Founder, Cloud Galacticos

“We were aware of Cloud Galacticos’ excellent reputation in the Salesforce ecosystem, and immediately wanted to work with this successful brand. We are excited to build on the successes of the last 17 years!”

Pankaj Gupta, CEO NV Digital

We look forward to continuing our work within the Salesforce Community, being a part of the great events around the world. Learning from each other, and sharing our knowledge within the Trailblazer community.

I look forward to reconnecting with you, and sharing some of our plans for 2024 and beyond.

New contact details:
Suite 42 Beaufort Court, Admirals Way, London, England, E14 9XL

Phil Walton: |

Phil's Salesforce Tip of the Week

Salesforce MVPs – Phil’s Salesforce Tip of the Week #493

Welcome to my Salesforce Tip of the Week #493


Tip 1 – New Salesforce MVPs

Salesforce MVPs Class of 2022

Congratulations to the newest Salesforce MVPs!!

As you probably know this happens just once a year now, and with just 20 new people added to a small list, these 20 have gone above and beyond in the Salesforce Community.

Read the official blog post here.




Tip 2 – New Acquisition

It seems a while since Salesforce splashed the cash, so this week saw the announcement they had bought the consultancy partner Traction on Demand.

It is early days but the announcement says ‘Traction on Demand will become part of Salesforce Professional Services‘.






Tip 3 – New NFT Cloud?

Recently Salesforce suggested they would launch a new Cloud to enable companies to create and sell NFTs.

It was not wholly popular, and 400 employees have shared an open letter to protest against it.

Take a look here and judge for yourself.


Only SEVEN more Tip of the Weeks till I reach my #500th edition..!


Final Tip Of The Week – Sign Up

Remember if you have enjoyed this Tip of the Week then sign up for the weekly Friday email, direct to your inbox here. And feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas for future Salesforce tips!

Five Reasons Why UX Design Is Important…

Five Reasons Why UX Design is Important…

Welcome to the second part of this brief series looking at the question of why UX design matters. In this instalment of the series, I will be taking a look at this question from the vantage point of the Admin and End Users of a Salesforce org.

Here are five reasons why I believe UX design matters to Admins and End Users.


Good UX Design Focuses on Users First and Technology Second

The users of any Salesforce org are the biggest assets to your business, and their experience matters. Users who feel valued and listened to will often input the best and most accurate data, along with providing the best service for your clients and customers. So value them, and you will see the benefits. Include them in the design process, ask for feedback and suggestions, your users will most certainly thank you in the end.


Good UX Design Allows You to Build Scalable and Effective Solutions

Salesforce is always evolving. Admins and End Users have to adjust to changes made through each new seasonal release. There are other tools that you might use such as Slack, Mulesoft and Tableau CRM. This means that the solutions we build need to be scalable and effective for the benefit of all. A good designer will aim to look for ways to continuously improve upon their solutions, keeping them up to date with current best practices and design principles.


Good UX Design Should Encourage Good and Positive User Adoption

It can be a challenge to get User Adoption to the place we want it. One of the biggest areas when it comes to User Adoption is security and permissions. It’s likely that users will be hesitant to fully buy-in to solutions if they don’t have access to what they need or have difficulties finding it. By soliciting feedback you can identify challenges with solutions and adjust them accordingly. When users feel valued and listened to, generally speaking the quality of work they do will be significantly higher. This will be reflected in your User Adoption and overall accuracy and performance.


Good UX Design Should Be an Extension of Your Brand

Making your solutions look and feel like your brand can lead to a feeling of familiarity. Your solutions should be an extension of your brand, when your users use them they should recognise the brand and feel like they are contributing to its success.


Good UX Design Leaves Room for Fresh Ideas and Action

A rule of thumb that is true is that there is always room for fresh ideas. New ideas help you to expand the impact of your work. They help you identify priorities to build upon and to make them more dynamic and user-friendly.


About Cloud Galacticos 

Cloud Galacticos at LDNsCall 2022Cloud Galacticos is a Salesforce Consulting Partner with an all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our Salesforce consultancy has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce Gold partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

Digital City Awards, Best Small Digital Company Finalist 2022

London’s Calling Platinum Sponsor 2022

Salesforce MVP Class of 2022

Salesforce MVP Class of 2022

Last week saw the announcement of the Salesforce MVP Class of 2022. It’s always an exciting time of year for the Salesforce community. MVPs are highly regarded and many seek to become one. As well as new recruits, there’s also returning MVPs for their continued great work.


Salesforce MVP Class of 2022

A total of 20 trailblazers made it into the Salesforce MVP Class of 2022. It’s always great to add more people to a growing Ohana of amazing people doing amazing work in the Salesforce eco-system. They’re recognised for as ‘outstanding members of our community for their product expertise and commitment to helping others succeed in the Salesforce ecosystem.’

Salesforce MVP Class of 2022

Here’s is the full list of the new MVPs for 2022:


Why not follow and connect with them on social? And don’t forget to use the hashtags #SalesforceMVP#TrailblazerCommunity, and #Askforce for the latest updates.

And of course we have some returning MVPs of our own at here at Cloud Galacticos. Step forward Phil Walton, Paul Battisson, and Mike Gill.


About Cloud Galacticos 

Cloud Galacticos at LDNsCall 2022Cloud Galacticos is a Salesforce Consulting Partner with an all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our Salesforce consultancy has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce Gold partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

Phil's Salesforce Tip of the Week

Salesforce Events 2022 – Phil’s Salesforce Tip of the Week #492

Welcome to my Salesforce Tip of the Week #492


Tip 1 – Salesforce Events 2022

Salesforce Events

Updates were made last week to the Salesforce Events 2022 page, to include Dreamforce (Sept 20-22), and World Tour events (including London).

These events are always a highlight for us at Cloud Galacticos and a great way to re-connect with the Salesforce Trailblazer Community and Ohana.

Take a look at the full list here, and plan your year.






Tip 2 – Basics Badge

Basics Badge

Here is a great starting point if you are interesting in learning more about the User Experience.

If this gets you interested, and if you want to know more about aiming towards the User Experience certification…

Take a look at our recent blog post here.


Tip 3 – Book of the Week

Book of the Week

Reading through some of Bill Gate’s book recommendations highlighted ‘What If?’.

It’s an entertaining read, answering some crazy hypothetical scientific questions.

If it’s good enough for Bill, it’s good enough for Phil! Have you read it? If so, why not let us know on Twitter?






Only EIGHT more Tip of the Weeks till I reach my #500th edition..!


Final Tip Of The Week – Sign Up

Remember if you have enjoyed this Tip of the Week then sign up for the weekly Friday email, direct to your inbox here. And feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas for future Salesforce tips!

London’s Calling Platinum Sponsor 2022

London’s Calling Platinum Sponsor 2022

The secret’s out. Cloud Galacticos is a London’s Calling Platinum Sponsor 2022. After sponsoring the event since its inception, we are very proud to step up this year as one of two Platinum Sponsors.


London’s Calling

We all know that London’s Calling is Europe’s largest community led event for Salesforce professionals. This year will be its 7th edition and will take place on Friday 10th June in London.

What makes London’s Calling so special is that it’s organised by an awesome team of Salesforce MVPs and trailblazers. Each year they help curate some great sessions across Admin, Architect, Developer, Marketing, and General sessions.

We’re expecting the event in June to be the largest yet. Though the team is still busy finalising the sessions, Demo Jam, key speakers, etc. We can not wait to see what’s instore.

Tickets went on sale last week and are selling well, so don’t miss out!


London's Calling Platinum Sponsor 2022

Platinum Sponsor 2022

Cloud Galacticos has sponsored and supported London’s Calling since it started in 2016. It’s been an exciting journey to experience its growth first-hand. So we’re happy to be London’s Calling Platinum Sponsor along with OwnBackUp.

We will have strong presence across the event. The main focus will be our large Platinum Sponsor booth space. So if you’re attending the event, don’t forget to pop by and say ‘hello’!


Cloud Galacticos and OwnBackUp


About Cloud Galacticos 

Cloud Galacticos is a Salesforce Consulting Partner with an all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our Salesforce consultancy has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce Gold partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

Phil's Salesforce Tip of the Week

Sandbox Emails – Phil’s Salesforce Tip of the Week #491

Welcome to my Salesforce Tip of the Week #491


Tip 1 – Sandbox Emails

Sandbox Emails

Many people have been receiving ‘Sandbox expiration’ emails this week, and are wondering why (or why now).

There will be regular clean ups of inactive sandboxes… inactive means if it hasn’t been accessed for 180 days.

See more details here.





Tip 2 – Wellness Retreat

Take a look at this article from The Wall Street Journal which finally gives us some details about the ‘Salesforce Ranch’.

The software giant signed a multiyear booking agreement for a 75-acre retreat set among the redwoods in Scotts Valley, Calif., to create an employee work-and-wellness center for its nearly 70,000-person staff.

Salesforce plans to use the property 70 miles south of San Francisco to onboard new hires and conduct off-site team meetings for social bonding and leadership training, said Brent Hyder, chief people officer.

I’m sure my invitation is in the post!


Tip 3 – Platinum!!

After sponsoring London’s Calling every year since its inception, we are very proud to step up this year as Platinum Sponsors!

Super early bird tickets are already sold out. So don’t miss out on the biggest and best UK Salesforce Community event of the year.

Get your tickets here. I’m really excited to be involved and to see everyone in person in June!



Only NINE more Tip of the Weeks till I reach my #500th edition..!


Final Tip Of The Week – Sign Up

Remember if you have enjoyed this Tip of the Week then sign up for the weekly Friday email, direct to your inbox here. And feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas for future Salesforce tips!

Top Salesforce Features To Increase Email Security

Top Salesforce Features to Increase Email Security

Practically every single business and organisation uses email, every single day. But how many of them know that as a default, the standard security strength of email isn’t that strong.

Creating an Email Security Policy is one of the best things an organisation can do to protect themselves from data loss, reputational damage and even regulatory fines.

This post covers some of the Salesforce features you can use to increase your email security.



Transaction Layer Security (TLS) prevents the unauthorised access of email messages when they are in transit over internet connections, ensuring they are not viewable by third parties. 

A secure TLS connection requires that both the sender and recipient use TLS. When both applications support TLS, it ensures that the data transmitted between them is encrypted with secure algorithms.


How do I implement this?

Organisations can choose a TLS setting when sending email through Salesforce or through an email relay.

TLS Settings can be edited from Salesforce setup. The default setting is ‘Preferred’. This means that Salesforce will attempt to create the TLS connection but will deliver an email in an encrypted state if an encryption cipher can’t be negotiated. More information is available here.



The DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) key feature allows Salesforce to sign outbound email sent on your company’s behalf. In essence, DKIM validates the authenticity of the email message.

DKIM adds an encrypted signature to the header of all outgoing messages. Email recipients that receive signed messages then use DKIM to decrypt the message header and verify the message was not changed after it was sent. 

This allows DKIM to protect against email spoofing, when email content is changed to make the email appear from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. 


How do I implement this?

DKIM keys can be created directly in Salesforce but there are some limitations. For example, you can only have one active DKIM Key per domain. A full list of considerations is available here.

When creating a DKIM key you will need to add ‘Selector’ and ‘Alternative Selector’ unique names so that the keys can be automatically rotated. You will also need to choose the size of the RSA key. (RSA keys are used for encryption. You should consider email recipient limitations and any industry-specific security regulations when choosing the key size. Bigger isn’t necessarily better – there are storage and CPU considerations to be made too).


Sender Policy Framework

A Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation system designed to detect email spoofing by providing a process to validate which providers can send emails on your behalf. SPF validates the authenticity of the email sender.

An SPF record is a Domain Name Service (DNS) TXT record. It contains a list of all the IP addresses allowed to send email on behalf of your domain. 

The SPF mechanism uses the Return Path Address of the domain to identify the SPF record. If the IP address is listed in the SPF record of the DNS, SPF ‘passes’. 

SPF does not survive emails that have been ‘forwarded’. This is because the chances are that the list of providers authorised to send emails on your behalf doesn’t include any forwarders. delivers emails with a User defined ‘from’ email address, but the mail originates from mail servers. So if an email containing your company’s domain in the ‘from’ address was sent by Salesforce it would likely fail unless the SPF record contained an entry to authorise Salesforce.


How do I implement this?

You can modify an existing SPF record, or create a new SPF record if one doesn’t exist, which authorizes mail servers as allowed for your organisation’s domain.

You can enter your domain name into a tool like SPF Record Generator from MXToolbox which will help you create or modify a SPF record. 

The entry to include in your SPF record when sending mail from Salesforce is 

Where you save your SPF record depends on your domain – you’ll most likely need manage or admin permissions to access the setup menu to do this. More instructions are available here.



Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC)  is an email authentication policy, and reporting protocol. 

DMARC uses the authentication methods of DKIM and SPF to evaluate the authenticity of email messages. 

If you remember that DKIM authenticates the email itself and SPF authenticates the sender you’ll see that DMARC provides a second layer of security (remember that an SPF won’t always pass if an email is forwarded).

A DMARC policy allows a sender to indicate that their messages are protected by SPF and/or DKIM and tells an email receiver what to do when these authentication methods pass or fail.

DMARC also provides a way for the email receiver to report back to the sender about messages that pass or fail the DMARC evaluation.


How do I implement this?

Salesforce Admins can take steps to ensure that the email addresses used in their org are associated with a domain with mail account services that they own and control. The newly generated email addresses can be re-registered with the organisation’s Salesforce User records.

Admins can then create a DKIM Key and a SPF record to authorise mail servers for your organisation’s domain.

Alternatively, an Email Relay can be set up so that your organisation’s SMTP email server is used – but there are some limitations here.


Email Relay for Salesforce

What is Email Relay?

Salesforce can be configured to automatically route email through your company’s Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. It may be that some organisations are obliged to use an Email Relay for Compliance purposes.

SMTP is the standard way that email is transferred on the internet. Your SMTP server will be capable of sending DMARC compliant email on your domain’s behalf. Preferably they will be both SPF and DKIM compliant.

When you send an email, Salesforce will connect to your SMTP relay and send the message along with details the relay needs to figure out the next step in the message’s journey. 

The relay uses the domain name in the email address and the Domain Name Service (DNS) to identify where the email should be sent. 

The email may be sent directly to the Message Delivery Agent (MDA) of the recipient’s email service or it may be handed through multiple Mail Transfer Agents operating as SMTP servers before arriving at the recipient’s inbox.


How do I implement this?

Firstly, there are some options around if and how Salesforce authenticates with SMTP. You should test these in your sandbox first.

For security purposes, if possible it is best to use SMTP authentication to identify yourself with your server. You can store the username and password details in the setting to do this. You’ll also need to select the ‘Required Verify’ TLS option (this means that the server must support TLS) to ensure the login details are passed over in an encrypted format.

You should consider carefully using Bounce Management as this feature can reduce deliverability:

Salesforce bounce management sets each outgoing email’s return path to an address at This means that the IP address of your relay doesn’t match the authorized IP addresses for the domain, which can cause an SPF soft failure which can affect deliverability.

To resolve this problem you can either switch off bounce management or implement DKIM to bolster the DMARC policy. 

Furthermore, some of the Email Deliverability settings should be reviewed as they can alter the email’s return path: 

Email Relays can be created from the Salesforce setup. Some technical knowledge is required to do this. More information is available here.

Once an Email Relay has been set up, you’ll also need to set up an Email Domain Filter for it to work. An Email Domain Filter determines which domains an email relay is restricted to. If your company works with multiple domains, you can create multiple Email Domain Filters and set them to priority order (you’ll need a developer to do this via the SOAP API).

An Email Domain Filter has two main attributes – setting the sender and the recipient domains, which restrict emails being sent based on the domain of the sender or recipient respectively. More information is available here.


Salesforce Email Security Compliance

Salesforce Email Security Compliance allows an organisation to leverage Salesforce’s SPF. Salesforce’s SPF protects against domain spoofing by validating the authenticity of the sender. The emails you send from Salesforce will therefore pass SPF checks even if your organisation doesn’t have an SPF record for your email domain.

Enabling Email Security Compliance updates the envelope ‘from address’ in emails sent from Salesforce to * The email header remains as your email address. 

Salesforce’s SPF record authorizes the IPs used by their message transfer agents to send email from the Salesforce domain. 


How do I implement this?

Email Security Compliance can be enabled directly from the Salesforce setup – more information is available here.


More resources:,can%20publish%20authorized%20mail%20servers.&text=SPF%20is%2C%20just%20like%20DMARC,DNS%20(Domain%20Name%20Service)


About Cloud Galacticos 

Cloud Galacticos is a Salesforce Consulting Partner with an all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our Salesforce consultancy has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce Gold partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

Five Reasons Why UX Is Important For Salesforce Customers

Five reasons why UX is important for Salesforce customers

User experience (UX) in conjunction with related topics of design and design strategy, are extensive disciplines in their own right. Recently the benefits of effective user experience design are becoming apparent to multidisciplinary audiences in a Salesforce context. You may ask why is this important?

Here are five key reasons why we believe UX is important for Salesforce customers.


1. Your user’s are your biggest asset; you must consider their experience

Your system’s users are your biggest asset. Their experience matters. They are your internal customers. If you proactively engage with them, understand their needs, and co-design with them you will gain buy-in, motivation and trust. You can then work together to ensure that your system evolves as your organisation changes. 


2. Your user’s experience needs to be relevant

In an age where users encounter multiple systems throughout their working day the question of relevance is key.

Is your user’s system experience tailored to their functional or persona driven needs?

Can your users execute tasks that they need to complete and engage with the system in a logical and effective way?

If not, you may find that users become disengaged and that adoption, trust, and data integrity all suffer from an experience that is not focused and designed around their needs. 

It may feel efficient to operate a ‘one-size fits all’ approach but does this really reflect the depth and spectrum of your user’s needs? We would advise you to consider the different types of users working with your system, understand their needs, design for and with them. This will allow you to target improvements in a collaborative, relevant and structured way. 


3. User adoption matters

A system with poor user adoption will cause you problems. They might take a while to surface, but they will catch up with you eventually. It could mean that you are wasting money or do not see a valid return on investment for the cost of running the system. It could also mean that you have poor data integrity, resulting from the difficulty of inputting, managing, and governing your data. This will in turn mean that you have limited trust in the data and analytics output of the system.

If you have any customer facing elements of your system with low adoption you could suffer reputational damage from a poor experience. These hypothetical scenarios could all result from poor user adoption. So if you ignore poor system adoption, the resulting investment required in change management to improve this will significantly increase. You could find yourself facing an uphill battle.

The more that you understand and consider the different experiences of users working with your system, the better you will be able to design functionality, experiences and interfaces that will drive adoption.

A system that is well adopted leads to user engagement, provoking suggestions for improvement and discussion. It allows you to discuss these requests and to form a roadmap for development. Systems builds trust with your users as you design and deliver improvements that benefit them as individuals, as well as the organisation as a whole. It is mutually beneficial and it means that your system evolves and doesn’t become static. 


4. Salesforce could be an extension of your brand

Does your Salesforce system feel like a seamless extension of your brand or is it an example of a system with little consideration given to navigation, accessibility, branding and interface? You have an opportunity to make Salesforce a consistent and well thought out experience that shows users that you have carefully considered uniformity, professionalism and their experience.

What does the combination of your landing page, custom domain, themes, branding and in-app guidance say about you? Does it reflect the impression that you’re aiming for?


5. Focusing on User experience and Design Thinking enables you to innovate

In recognising the importance of your users and engaging in human-centred design you can create a platform to innovate and add value together. Though this requires not only thought and consideration, but action! Design Thinking provides a framework for this exploratory and iterative design process built on these core stages:

  • Empathise: Research your users’ needs
  • Define: State your user’s needs and problems
  • Ideate: Challenge assumptions and create ideas
  • Prototype: Start to create solutions
  • Test: Try your solutions out

This framework is grounded in understanding your customer’s needs, rapid prototyping and generating creative ideas that can transform how you develop products, services, processes and your organisation. Adopting and investing in this process with your users can add value to your organisation. For further information on this topic click here.


Why UX is important: Conclusion

UX is a key consideration for those looking to get the best out of their Salesforce experience. Here’s a recap of five key reasons why for the next time that you engage in a conversation on the topic:

  1. Your users are your biggest asset; you must consider their experience
  2. Your user’s experience needs to be relevant 
  3. User adoption matters
  4. Salesforce could be an extension of your brand
  5. Focusing on User Experience and Design Thinking enables you to innovate


About Cloud Galacticos 

Cloud Galacticos is a Salesforce Consulting Partner with an all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our Salesforce consultancy has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce Gold partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

Phil's Salesforce Tip of the Week

The Exchange – Phil’s Salesforce Tip of the Week #490

Welcome to my Salesforce Tip of the Week #490

Tip 1 – The Exchange

The Exchange

Click here to take a look at the latest edition of the Appexchange themed quarterly digital magazine ‘The Exchange’.

Obviously lots of content relating to the recent great milestone of 10m installs. And the usual sponsored content from App providers.

But also some good Free App links and some handy Slack Hacks!











Tip 2 – MFA

Hopefully the MFA deadline passed without too much pain! And maybe you found our recent post useful (‘A brief intro to MFA‘)? But what is the final deadline? Well did you know some enforcement dates are not until June 2023! Take a look here for more details.



Only TEN more Tip of the Weeks till I reach my #500th edition..!


Final Tip Of The Week – Sign Up

Remember if you have enjoyed this Tip of the Week then sign up for the weekly Friday email, direct to your inbox here. And feel free to get in touch if you have any ideas for future Salesforce tips!