How can you improve your Salesforce data quality?

How can you improve your Salesforce data quality?


We all know that the Salesforce platform can help businesses of all shapes and sizes manage their customer data and interactions. However, one of the biggest challenges organisations face is ensuring that data is accurate and up to date. Salesforce data quality is one of the most important metrics we can measure as an organisation. We also know that Salesforce is an ever evolving platform that brings fantastic new functionality with every release.


Regular Training = Quality Data

A Salesforce dashboard displaying good data quality

How often do you undertake training with your end users?

Is it an hour here and there when they need it?

Did you go all out when go live happened and haven’t revisited it since?

Proper Salesforce training can help ensure that users understand how to input, update, and maintain accurate data within the system. It can also teach users how to use various features and tools within Salesforce to effectively manage and analyse their data. Ensuring that users are correctly trained on these features can help ensure that the quality of data in Salesforce is and stays high.

One key aspect of Salesforce training is teaching users how to input data correctly. This can mean a variety of things such as: 

  • Ensuring that all required fields are completed using proper formatting and spelling
  • Following any established naming conventions
  • Ensuring that the users all agree on what certain terms such as statuses mean 

Accurate data input is critical for ensuring that the data in Salesforce is useful and can be effectively analysed.


Insights Lead to Actions

Salesforce training can also help users learn how to use advanced features such as reporting and analytics tools. These tools allow users to gain insights into their data and make informed decisions based on the information. They can then take actions based upon these decisions to help the organisation function. Without proper training, users may not know how to effectively use these tools, which can lead to poor data quality and inaccurate insights.

Rubbish in, rubbish out is an oft-spoken mantra and strikes at the core of the data quality problem for businesses. If you don’t have the right high quality data in Salesforce, how are your team ever going to use it to make the right decisions? How are you going to correctly and appropriately service your customers? What about your partners? How will they feel if they are working with inaccurate data? Often people see poor quality data as an internal problem, but it can severely inhibit an organisation’s opportunity to succeed.


Productive Users Produce Productive Data

In addition to improving data quality and accuracy, Salesforce training can also help improve user productivity. By showing users how to efficiently use the platform, they can save time and reduce the risk of errors. This can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction, as well as improved overall business performance. It is a perfect example of a virtuous circle. A well trained user enters high quality data. This allows the customer to be better served. This makes the customer happier and allows you to do more work with them, gathering more data. With this data you can make even better decisions about how to serve them and so on.



In summary, Salesforce training plays a crucial role in improving data quality and accuracy. By teaching users how to input and manage data correctly, as well as how to use advanced features and tools, businesses can ensure that their data is accurate and useful. This can lead to improved productivity, increased sales and customer satisfaction, and overall better business performance. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you with your training needs, visit our Salesforce training page.


About Cloud Galacticos

Cloud Galacticos Team PhotoCloud Galacticos is a Salesforce consultancy with a growing all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our company has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Swindon, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

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Top Tips for an Effective Salesforce Training Strategy

I’ve been fortunate enough to be in the world of Salesforce training for over 8 years now across a variety of clients. I have worked on training projects for non profit organisations, through to one of Salesforce’s largest global customers. Whilst the number of users to be trained and the size of the budget available were significantly different, the approach to training was very similar! In my first blog post we focused on the importance of Salesforce training. Now let’s take a look at some key things to consider as part of your Salesforce training and adoption strategy.


What are you trying to achieve?

Before you start any training you need to have a clear understanding of what it is you are trying to achieve with the training sessions. This is important as Salesforce is such a huge platform with lots of great features and functionality. If you don’t tailor your training sessions to the needs of your team you may not get the expected results!

Key Stakeholders should be involved from the outset – it’s important that senior management buy into what we are trying to achieve. An often overlooked stakeholder is the Executive Sponsor. They as an absolute minimum should be able to provide a paragraph for you to include in your training sessions stating why your organisation has invested in Salesforce. The more engagement you can get from them however,  the stronger the messaging will be! Every organisation will have different Stakeholders that need to get involved; managers, department heads and subject matter experts are key to the success!


No more death by Powerpoint

It’s 2023 so just using PowerPoint is no longer an effective Salesforce training strategy. Of course Powerpoint has its place for those who like to read the concepts that are being trained. We all know that there are powerful slides that enable learning and there are slides that are just ‘noise’. Personally, I find the fewer words on the slide the more flexible delivery can be.  Reduce the temptation to read from the slide and tailor your delivery to the audience’s need.


Face to face wherever possible

In person workshops for Salesforce training are important to have hands-on exercises for the learners to participate in. A well constructed session will provide the opportunity for this. As we move into the post-pandemic world it is so  good to be able to return to in person training. The ability to read the room and ask questions to validate learning cannot be understated. Virtual training sessions played an important role during COVID and we know the challenges in keeping learners engaged.


Use self-paced learning for preparation and reinforcement

Being in an environment where there is an agenda to be covered within a certain timescale is fine. The benefits of in person training certainly outweigh the drawbacks. There is also a positive impact through the use of self-paced learning, particularly for those who are engaged. Hopefully anyone reading this and already active in the Salesforce community is aware of Salesforce Trailhead where anyone who wants to know more about Salesforce can do so. It isn’t specific to your instance and your learners could learn anything about the platform!

As mentioned in a previous blog training is so important to get right in order to drive adoption and get the maximum ROI from your Salesforce. Self paced learning may be another great reason to use those often underutilised sandboxes! Encourage your users to explore and take time to become more proficient in a space where they can’t break anything!


Always keep learning

These are a few of my top tips for an effective Salesforce training strategy and there are many more. Don’t forget to ensure training is given the right amount of focus to enable your users!

You can find out more about the training services we offer at Cloud Galacticos on our Salesforce training services page where you can contact us to see how we can help your team succeed.






About Cloud Galacticos

Cloud Galacticos Team PhotoCloud Galacticos is a Salesforce consultancy with a growing all-star team. We are user and developer group leaders, bloggers, MVPs and all round Salesforce nerds. Our company has people all over the UK including Manchester, Leeds, Swindon, Sheffield, and London.

So if you are looking for a Salesforce partner with experience to help you make the most of your org, why not get in contact?

Best Nationwide Salesforce Services Consultancy 2022

Digital City Awards, Best Small Digital Company Finalist 2022

London’s Calling Platinum Sponsor 2022